I gave this submission a vote of "5"
Just cause I am a Naruto fan,
however it's time for constructive critique:
1 - 9.9MB. no no no! Too long to load for a sprite flash, many ppl don't like that, try to keep it under 5MB for more viewers.
2 - Good fight and endings, however, I guess this got no views because it does not stand out from the other Naruto vs Sasuke flashes on NG. Some ppl might say: "Seen one Naruto flash, seen them all." So you really have to make yours stand out for more viewers to notice your work.
3 - Too much work was put into this I can tell however, it was not very captivating. Maybe some humour or sad sorrow scenes would have been nice.
4 - The text in the dialog was unreadable... horrible horrible font man! Don't do that next time.
PS: I voted 5 just to help you out, but this would have naturally gotten a 3 from me! >_<